7pm J Cold wait for Boboi to pick him at hentian serdu (serdang+sendu). Transit kat Simpang Ampat.Huh. Naik Boy's big bro car.To BP we back, anticipate for marsman shuw & candu-driven carnivale!
10pm reach bp, still de SSP fellas tgh cari port nak jam.
1 am, we all prektiz+jamm until 3am, and we still cant figure out songs perfectly hahha.Typical story.
18th July 2009
7pm Marsman found themselves in studio, whut a wank..8pm balik sarang, 830pm goes to the venue! Earlier, Komplot, sparanormal tanye ktorang jalan pegi bp, so we should say, just go where the wind blows or river flows, yellas!
Event Carnivale
Komplot tgh soundcheck. So make way for the boys. The stage is properly maintained and ktorang prepare backstage.All ssp were there - geng marsman, sally faerie, alung, mamankia, ellis gratis.830pm
Event started. But no band, in fact Tarian Zapin set! Ah, remember this is show fully sponsored by Rakan Muda BP so the zapin girls render gigli set for moshy-expected crowds.
After Zapin, barula show properly unfold.Rare as it seems, budak2 trendy-windy-indie lebih ramai dr couple-couple gersang pd mlm itu.
Finger Inc
This is kiddy stuff that deserves the attention of ska-lovers nationwide.
What can i say? This band should be more famous than Plague of happiness so I hope they can become media darling in future ahha. The best kodak moment when they did cover rendition of The Wonder's 'That Thing You Do'! OMG, this band rocks the stage. To see 2 rockin' chics in it is a plus.Bassist lak sebijik stylr cam mamat guitaris New Found Glory!Crowd enjoy their performance so its really, really good start.
Right after Finger, Sparanormal took the stage. Hail from Wangsa Maju, their experimental post-grunge set was fully loaded wit sound flying. Nice even maybe terlalu sophisticated untuk drive crowd wild. But these guys are cool and wish em' luck.
Laila's (Lounge)
And then, it's Laila's (post-breakup of Laila's Lounge) turn to put the hottiness on the night (or precisely, pushing the sky-dose to all the hotties downstage!). Mereka memulakan show dgn satu song yang sangat catchy & dancable. Laila's memang meriah that nite.Mengakhiri set dengan 'Mawar Khayalan',Mungkin yg berbeza dengan Laila's lama adalah escapade drpd influence radiohead/muse. New Laila's masih mengekalkan Brit-pop tp this time around, lebih rockyz. Lyrically, mereka mungkin telah keluar dr kepompong sufi. Maybe u can think of Kasabian with huge poppish influence! Crowd mmg supportive and singalong lagu mawar (lagu tu ek yg femes).
Sally Faerie & Ali-Ali Setan di depan Pentas
Next, Sally Faerie. 11pm. Fronted by Sue, they did 3 songs including a cover of Ali Setan Ogy's Rahsia Wajah Hati (check the release soon under Nervhouse Records). Sue did a great job communicating wit crowds (and flying vocs!) and SF show went smoothly. As usual, Ainz (baboon) drum had been tremendously giving the edge to the band. Spt biasa, end the set wit fave, 'Bukan Maksudku'. Maybe, u ppl should check out to register MCPA for radio airplay. Seriously!Then, next... *continue entri kat atas
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macp kot?ymca ke?
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