Kalau tempat2 KL aku tak heran, they can wank the best ever art fest, giggies, deklamasipuisikaplaharoq but they got no soul..Pity for the dead.Pity for the pseudo-urban soul in kl...Still 'countryside' by heart....HAH!
Dialog-dialog ni tak akan berlaku di pinggiran bt caves atau sri petaling tapi, lain tempat lain cara. Amoi-amoi siam di SP mmg menghairahkan tapi absolutely no foochy business. Next time.
Aku dan Jack vip mundar-mandir di bawah restoran mamak tanpa menghirau orang lalu lalang.
Ini antara port rumah urut amatur yang termaju pernah berlonggok (berdekatan Parkson). Karaoke port jug terdapat berselerak. Taraf: Amatur. Kirenya, memang taste aku amatuR! kahkuh kangkungkangkung!
So, kalau ada sesape yg panik-berahi and feel the need to cuci kapla banar (wit no strings attached), yo check it out! Some raw deal might in place!
Berikut adalah listing rumah urut yg aku da compile 1hari di Sg Petani. Kirenya, ini saje ole2 yag mampu kubawa dari sana!
Petang, singgah jap Pantai Merdeka..takde pantai properly untuk mandi-manda tp port baik utk usha gadis-gadis. Pantai tu berbentuk teluk kat tepi2 banyak gerai termasuk satu kompleks gerai yg akan dibuka. Oh, pun ade Merdeka Beach Resort.Nice! Aku tak sempat merenggut kedaraan pompuan di sini tapi melalui beberapa emel & no fon, aku pasti datang lagi!Then, check out nice superlunch kat Cinta Sayang Resort..i'd say this is quite biggie city wif sly urbanism. It can be can be considered in the same league wit bp; rapidly washed by industry but still retain that soul of post-urban consciousness.
All in all, SP is great! I like the urban vibe that mostly associated with rapidly developing city. And just like beepee, u may find a homie feel here if u struck & lost in the north! Just check out lots gerai tepi jalan yang saling tak ubah cam pemandangan sepanjang jalan johor.
Cos' sometimes it's easy to be profused by where u come from..U may not from KL dunghulls but deep inside, all we can notice u're more urbanite than fellow stringers of kl-ites. some of em' may have lost their soul. cant even relate to channel v.they've been pierced by shadow of klcc but does it matter? we all know too well.
Vambar Hiasan: Pantai Merdeka & view dari hotel room. Gambar punk MTV simpan twitter. Boleh upload kat sungai petani. Sabtu, 28/6/09
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List rumah urut lu tu yg terbaik mna..ada suntut
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