Brian Carroll atau dikenali sebagai "bucket head"
walaupun konsep musik "avant-garde" dan gimik
psiko terencat akal yang ditunjukkan beliau agak menjengkelkan.
Namun ramai mengakui,
beliau antara gitaris terbaik dunia.
Mana tak hebat anak didik Paul Gilbert tu!
Beliau juga banyak menghasilkan pelbagai bunyi gitar pelik yang diakui sebagai trademark beliau sendiri. Antaranya bunyi ala permainan video nintendo,dalam lagu "jordan".
beliau juga banyak menghasilkan lagu untuk movie soundtrack, antaranya ost mortal kombat, mighty morphin power rangers (yang biasa kita dengarkan di kaca tv.)
antara gitaris hebat yang "menketengahkan" teknik "killswitch" pada gitar selain Tom Morello yang "kool".
For all the Buckethead fans and guitar geeks out there here's a list of the gear Bucketheadhas been known to use live and in the studio. I pulled it from the Harmony-Central forum
- Gibson Les Paul - 1959 heavily modified, with all white hardware and covered DiMarzio pickups
- Gibson Les Paul - 1969 heavily modified, all white hardware, killswitch, and uncovered DiMarzio pickups
- Gibson SG
- Gibson SST
- Gibson Chet Atkins
- Jackson Y2KV - "coopwood" custom made, with larger body and headstock due toBuckethead saying normal guitars looked like toys in his hands.
- Jackson Y2KV - "KFC" same as the "coopwood", only with the KFC red stripes, Di Marzio X2N PUs, kill switch and an Original Floyd Rose (that he never uses).
- Jackson doubleneck - a custom doubleneck half guitar, half bass.
- ESP MII custom - used throughout his concert in the Wetlands, broken as seen in one of the Binge Clips.
- Steinberger GS "Kaiser's Gift".
- Ibanez X Series Rocket Roller II - used throughout the Praxis era.
- Ibanez(Purple) RG550 - As seen in the Buckethead DVD Secret Recipe.
- Takamine Acoustic.
- Peavey Renown
- Peavey 5150 head on a Marshall 1960 Slant 4x12 cab
- Diezel Herbert
- Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
- VHT Pittbull 50 watt heads
- Matt Wells 17 1/2 watt head wired through a Harry Kolbe 4x12 cab
- Digitech Whammy II (and IV)
- Dunlop Cry Baby 535q
- BOSS TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
- BOSS NS-2 Noise Suppressor
- BOSS RC-20 Loop Station
- BOSS OS-2 Overdrive/Distortion
- Roger Mayer Octavia
- DOD Electronics FX-25B envelope filter
- Alesis MidiVerb II
- Roland SE-50 multi-effector
- Zoom multi-effects
- a custom bicompROSSor by AnalogMan
- MXR EVH phase 90
- Line 6 FM4 Filter Modeler
- Electro-Harmonix Micro Synthesizer
A key part of his sound comes from the white mask and chicken bucket on his head. The bucket in particular is a key to his powers, allowing him to harness the power of slain chickens and channel those powers through to his guitar playing.
"Born in a coup, raised in a cage..."
The killswitch is used to momentarily cut off, or stop, the guitar signal so it is silent until the switch is triggered again. Switching it off and on again quickly gives the staccato effect. His custom Les Paul's also have 24 frets which is unusual for the Les Paul model.
Here's an interesting piece of Buckethead trivia. Ozzy Osbourne has gone on record (in Revolver) saying that he'd offered Buckethead the chance to play guitar in his band at Ozzfest. The offer fell through after Buckethead refused to go onstage without his costume. Here are some choice quotes from Ozzy (for more on this visitroadrunnerrecords.com):
"I tried out that Buckethead guy. I met with him and asked him to work with me but only if he got rid of the f**king bucket. So I came back a bit later and he's wearing this green f**king Martian's-hat thing! I said, 'Look, just be yourself'. He told me his name was Brian, so I said that's what I'd call him. He says, 'No one calls me Brian except my mother'. So I said, 'Pretend I'm your mum then!'. I haven't even got out of the room and I'm already playing f**king mind games with the guy. What happens if one day he's gone and there's a note saying, 'I've been beamed up'? Don't get me wrong, he's a great player. He plays like a motherf**ker!"
Legend has it that he once tried out for a spot in the Red Hot Chili Peppers in the early 90's. So that's all the Buckethead information I have for you at the moment
manusia bertopeng ??

no komen....
no komen....
8 ulasan:
Buckethead ade, 'baldi' head ade (yg ni memang siyot) abis yang bawah niee?
Nan tha 'Butter'Head??
Aku pun tatau die main konsep ape nie..
Barangkali (dengan tidak mengambilkira ketuat-ketuat di permukaannya), Nan lebih romantis dari si Teging!
Sergah sape tu, hahaa...
Ada ker spesis yang jealous dgn orang pakai topeng?
Kes jeles je, biasala pakai pampers sambil nyanyi nirvana about a girl, huhhu
maybe blackhead,..atau
dickhead kot?
jgn xpasal2 nan datang haid dah la.
memang si teging amik kesempatan selama ini.
Dari kawan-kawan kepada kawan-kawan....
aiseh takkan puting banyak kot
aku nampak biase je
This is real.. Aku suppose kite berdua jek musician yang tersesat di tanah malaya niee...
wehehehe...ade byk ke puteng dia? nnti ako nk g check ar...mintak korg ramai2 bogelkn dia ea...wuhuhuu...selagi xdpt tgk xley tido seh...hahahhaha :p
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