MTV Worldstage, Sunway, show start 6pm. open gate 3pm.
Act..No shakespeare, just plain rock MTV!!!
Cant't wait to get Boys Like Girls playing their new single 'Lovedrunk'
Also, what can u say of All American Rejects?? 'I Wanna.. I wanna' and of course, the most romantic sowng ever 'The Wind Blows'..plus old fave
Hoobastank..whose butt stinks??!
Kasabian - the new prophets of agit-rock!
But estranged..?> zzzzz < warghh!too bad
Hey marsman, doesnt we (circa 2007/08) used to jamm 'Great Escape' (pic)and American Rejects' songs a lot..
The buzz is on!

2 ulasan:
weih klik nama aku, aku rasa benda ni patut kita gali.jgn lupa sign up.so next time kita boleh recording pc to pc
apa nh..?? apa nih..?? kene beli tiket kew..??
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