Britney keep on spanking useless junks to lay foundation (for future type of music) - only 'circus' is quite acceptable while the rest crap.And then, what the hell Simple Plan keep playing meelow pop (softer even than pop punk!). FOB's latest faux de paus failed to generate much despite good rendition of 'American Suiteheart'.
The trend is bulking downwards and there even less 'hollybrity' (hollywood+celebrity) topping in the air! But these young audience wants more.. who can cater to these new type of demand?PornPunk? Post Rap? Punk House? HipHop Ska? Emo House?
The last hot hollybrity story is Tommy Lee (that handsome drummer Motley Crue) fight with Kid Rock at post-party mtv awards.. and should i mention Chris Brown-Rihanna brawl just before grammy this year?
In Rock industry, nothing seems to actually blister the new refreshment to keep the ears bleeding. The only consolation maybe the heavyweight act - Metallica's 'Death Magnetic' & long-awaited GNR but it may been too late to spur the rocky momentum. Oh, dun forget Offspring return with 'Kristy Are You Doing Ok'... Cat-Spin!
Guilty Party
I've got one guilty party to blame for this global musical deterioration. It's Miley Cyrus A.K.A Hannah Montana.. It seems, she's everywhere. Suddenly, she becomes everyone - Kelly clarkson, avril, lindsay.. Just name it, and she can be all u want or wish for, thanks to pop manufacturers / internationale superproducers... musicommodity at best!
These are the symptoms or list of casualties that signify the end of first quantum of year 2009 MTV:
1. Single 'Dead and Gone' by Justin & T.I marked the end and probably the last hip-hop dominatrix prowess in musics countdown.
2. A sudden rise of female weirdo new wave artistes right after Amy Winehose such as Katy Parry, Lily Allen, Lady GaGa etc Oh, i forget.. who sings 'warwick avenue'?
3. Taylor Swift - once pop-up queen, then easily forgotten.. Is there any tweenies who can really rock our nerve & cocks?!
4. The last and best rock anthem is probably We The Kings' Check Yes juliet or..
5. So, the alternate choice for best song/pop anthem for this rather messy period .. Ne-Yo's "Mad" & FOB's "American Suitehearts"
5. So, the alternate choice for best song/pop anthem for this rather messy period .. Ne-Yo's "Mad" & FOB's "American Suitehearts"
Nevertheless, there are 3 new singles we can check em' out that might promise new future & direction to pop MTV - 1. Kardinal Offishall's remix of 'Number 1' (wit Keri Hilson) 2. Chris Cornell's latest collabo wit Timbaland 3. Plain White T's - 'Natural Disaster' - new direction of rock?!@
Otherwise, keep your prozac and let's spin Blur or Bush for heaven's fucking sake!
P/s: U've been warned. Any Nu so-called musics 'House, Trance, Ambience, digital crap bla bla bla' are disease and they're partly blamed for killing the hollywood culture! Shit, why dont u people stop partying and go watch the tube Beverly Hills-style!
6 ulasan:
weh.. techno rap/hop pn dh jd rentetan evolusi la..
Pssst/ : pic babe mane yg menyerah kt kau ni?
oit! kalo rupe groupies SF cmni aku nk tolong bwk instrument free pon xpe! sanggup kemana sahaja..
**two cocks up**
wah bro-om, tulisan ni dah ala2 popmatters.com dah ni. huiyoo tapi sbb kat malaysia cuma popmatters + mangga la
p/s mana khutbah ciritbirit tak masuk sekali ke?
Tertinggal kat tandas laa
boi, itu miley cyrus lah. hahah.
underage love, woohoo!
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